A Friend for Life

Created by Kate 4 years ago

You were just 7 years old when I realised what a special friend you were. We were trying out for the girls 100m run at sports day. There were too many girls, so the Ashburnham girls had to compete for their place.

I was rubbish. See I hadn't long been walking. How could I possibly have been as fast as you. I was devastated when I came last and knew I would be representing my house once again in the egg and spoon race.

But then I was told we had a retrial. I had no idea why. I prepped up and tried my hardest. As I was trying to catch up I watched you pull up short and out of the race.

I'm sure that wasn't the first time you put my needs before yours, and I know it wasn't the last time you thought of others first. It was, however the time I realised I had a friend for life.